Advisory Council Application

We appreciate your interest in the JHFCU Advisory Council. Applications are reviewed to confirm active member status, and by the JHFCU Board Advocacy Committee. We look to have a diverse Council made up of engaged members who reflect various segments of our field of membership. A representative from JHFCU will contact you soon.

Personal Information

Employment Information

(EX: Johns Hopkins Hospital)
(EX: Pediatrics)
(EX: Registered Nurse)

Membership information

What Services Do You Currently Have (check all that apply):

(e.g. a paid-off car loan)
In your role as an Advisory Council member, you could have an impact on the considerations and decisions of the JHFCU. Please take a moment to tell us a little more about yourself, and help us to better know and understand the important resources you offer.

Additional Information

In our attempt to recruit volunteers from various roles within our sponsor groups, please note any of the following in which you have experience or expertise? (Please check all that apply)